eHealth Saving Wallet (HSW)

We help set up a health saving wallet for you, your family and employees. eHSW garantees a stress free payment of future insurance premiums and other medical expenses.

eHealth Saving Wallet (HSW)

You can add money at anytime into your eHSW. You can use the funds in the wallet to cover for the cost of premiums, co-payments and any medical expense not covered by your insurance policy. You can pay for medical bills directly from your wallet to any of our partner healthcare providers and insurance companies. Make the right decision today on your investment. The best investments starts with your health.

How does
Ensuram work

Get Started Now

Step One

Choose the type of insurance you like and tell us a bit about yourself and the beneficiary.

Step Two

Search and compare plans from a list of in country insurances. We display on your screen what best suits your needs.

Step Three

Once you've found the insurance that best suits your needs, proceed to checkout. After your payment, check your email please for further information.

A short story before you engage with us

Hannah is a Nigerian Accountant married to an American. Together they live in the United Kingdom. Hannah is the 3rd out of a family of 5 children. She's the only child that have traveled abroad while the rest of her siblings don't earn that much back in Africa. Meanwhile, the health of their mother is at risk. One day, her mother is transported to the hospital but there isn't sufficient money to continue her treatment. Hannah's siblings have to call her to send additional money. Hannah succeed to send money after 24 hours. Within this time, her mother's condition has worsen...

What do you learn from this short story? Because that's the reason why we exist. So that situations like this won't happen. With Ensuram, you can insure your family and they need not worry again about hospitals bills.

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for Your Loved Ones in Africa

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