Welcome to Ensuram Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

1. Introduction

Welcome to ENSURAM. Protecting your personal information is our number one priority, and we are committed to collecting, using, and disclosing it responsibly and in accordance with applicable data protection laws. In this Privacy Policy, we will describe how we collect, use, share, and protect your personal information.

2. Applicability

This Privacy Policy applies to all users of our website, including visitors, registered users, health insurance providers, hospitals, and pharmacies. It covers all personal information collected through our website, mobile applications, or other online services that link to this policy. However, this privacy policy does not apply to HIPAA regulated data or the practices of our partners. In such situations, please refer to their individual privacy policies.

3. Updates

We reserve the right to amend this Privacy Policy from time to time to reflect changes in legal, regulatory, or operational requirements. Any changes will be posted on our website, and your continued use of our services after such changes signifies your agreement to the updated policy. We encourage you to regularly review this policy to stay informed about our data practices. Should you disagree with any updates to this policy, please discontinue the use of this site.

4. Sources of Personal Information

We collect personal information from various sources, including but not limited to the following:

  • Directly from You: We collect personal information you provide to us when you use our website or services. For example, when you fill out a form to request a quote or register for an account, you may provide us with personal information, such as your name, contact details, date of birth, and health information.
  • Automatically from Your Device: We may automatically collect information about your device and your usage of our website or services, including IP address, browser type, device type, operating system, page views, links clicked, and other usage information. This information is collected using cookies or similar tracking technologies.
  • From Third Parties: We may receive personal information about you from third-party sources, such as insurance providers, pharmacies, hospitals, data aggregators, and publicly available sources. This may include demographic data, interest-based data, and internet browsing behavior.
  • From Health Insurance Providers: If you choose to request a quote or apply for insurance through our website, we may receive information from the health insurance providers about your quotes, applications, policies, and claims.
  • From Hospitals or pharmacies: If you choose to purchase health insurance via our platform and to create a health saving wallet, we will use some of the information provided to connect with hospitals and pharmacies to enable you to pay a bill to these entities. We will not collect information about your diagnosis or medical treatment at the hospital or pharmacy.

Please be aware that the personal information you provide to us or that we collect from you will be used in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

5. The Personal Data We Collect

The type of personal data we collect, and process depends on how you interact with our website and services. Below are details about some of the categories of personal data we may collect.

  • Identifying Details: We collect personal information that helps us identify you and communicate with you. This could include your name, postal address, email address, phone number, date of birth, gender, and national identification number or social security number, online IDs, IP addresses. For your beneficiaries, we also collected similar or related information.
  • Customer Account Information: When you register for an account on our website, we collect the information you provide in the registration form. This includes your username, password, email address, and any other information you choose to provide in your profile. We use this information to set up your account, provide services, communicate with you, and personalize your experience.
  • Policy Application and Eligibility Data: When you request a quote or apply for a policy, we may collect additional information needed to determine your eligibility and calculate your insurance premiums. This could include your health information, lifestyle habits (like smoking or alcohol consumption), family health history, and other risk-related factors. We might also collect information about any current or previous insurance policies you hold, including policy numbers, coverage details, and claims history.
  • Digital Activity Information: As you interact with our website and services, we automatically collect information about your digital activities. This includes details like the pages you visit, the links you click, the duration of your visits, your browsing history, your search queries, and other actions you take while using our services. We also collect data about your device, such as the type of device, operating system, browser, IP address, and device identifiers. We use this information to improve our services, personalize your experience, analyze user behavior, and maintain the security of our website.
  • Geolocation Data: Our services may collect information about your geographical location. Depending on the permissions you've given us, this could range from broad location data (like the city or country you're accessing our services from) to more precise location data (like your exact GPS coordinates). We use geolocation data to provide location-based services, analyze usage trends, improve our services, and comply with legal requirements.
  • Audio, Visual, Electronic, or Similar Data: If you communicate with us via voice call, video call, or electronic messaging, we may collect and store audio, visual, and electronic data related to these communications. For instance, we might record customer service calls for quality assurance purposes, or we may store email or chat messages for record-keeping purposes. Any such data collection will be done in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, and we will inform you if your call or video conference is being recorded.
  • Employment and Professional Data: If you provide us with information about your employment or professional status – for example, when you apply for a policy that requires such information or if you apply for a job with us – we collect and use that information for the purposes you provided it. This could include your job title, employer name, work history, professional qualifications, and income details.
  • Inferred Data: Inferred data refers to information that we derive or predict based on other data we collect about you. For instance, based on your browsing behavior, past purchases, or interactions with our website, we may make certain assumptions or predictions about your preferences, potential needs, or future behavior. This could involve segmenting you into certain categories, predicting your interest in certain types of insurance policies, or estimating your risk level. We use inferred data to personalize our services, offer you relevant products, enhance our marketing efforts, and improve your overall experience. However, we always strive to use this information responsibly and in accordance with your preferences and our legal obligations.

Please note that we only collect this information when it's necessary to fulfill our services or comply with legal requirements. We strive to limit the amount of personal data we collect and use, and we take steps to protect the information we hold.

6. The Usage of Your Personal Data at ENSURAM

Our usage of your personal data is governed by legal guidelines and ethical practices. The collected personal data is utilized for a variety of specific purposes:

Nurturing Seamless Exchanges: We make every effort to ensure smooth interactions between you and our platform. This includes supporting your use of our website, helping you compare insurance policies, providing detailed information, maintaining your account, and addressing any queries, requests, or complaints you might have.

In-House Business Needs: We use personal data to further our internal business goals. These include, but are not limited to, analyzing, and auditing the performance of our services, enhancing our technology, developing new products, processing customer feedback, conducting research for future developments, and maintaining accurate business records.

Compliance and Security Concerns: We may leverage personal data to fulfill legal obligations, ensure our security, safeguard the rights of our users, and protect our property. This includes using personal data to detect, prevent, and respond to potential security threats or unauthorized activities.

Marketing Activities: We may utilize your personal data to market our services. This could include sending you promotional material, inviting you to participate in surveys, customizing advertisements based on your preferences, and running targeted marketing campaigns. Additionally, we may analyze the effectiveness of our advertising efforts to better understand and serve our customer base.

Supplementary Usage: Apart from the mentioned uses, we may also leverage personal data for any other purposes disclosed at the time of collection or as required by law. Plus, we may use personal data for any other purposes provided we have your explicit consent.

Please refer to the 'Your Rights and Choices' section of this privacy policy for more information on how you can control the use of your personal data.

7. Who Gains Access to Your Personal Information at ENSURAM:

At ENSURAM, we are committed to the responsible handling of your personal data. It's important to understand who might have access to your personal information:

  • Internal Teams: Different departments within ENSURAM, such as the customer service, technical, or marketing teams, may have access to your personal information as needed to provide you with our services, resolve issues, improve our offerings, or communicate updates.
  • Affiliated Entities: As part of a larger business group, ENSURAM may share your information with our subsidiaries, or other affiliated entities for internal administrative purposes and provide you with seamless service across our brand.
  • Service Providers: We may work with third-party service providers who assist us with a variety of tasks, such as data analysis, payment processing, marketing efforts, and customer support. These providers only have access to your information as necessary to perform their services and are contractually obligated to handle it with the same level of care and security that we do.
  • Insurance Companies: To provide our price comparison services, we share your information with insurance companies. This enables them to generate accurate insurance quotes for you.
  • Hospitals and Pharmacies: To enable you to pay bills, we share some information about your coverage and availability for funds in your account with hospitals and pharmacies.
  • Legal and Regulatory Bodies: If required by law, or to protect our rights and the safety of our users or the public, we may disclose your personal information to law enforcement, regulators, or legal entities.
  • Business Partners: We may share your information with trusted business partners for the purposes of collaborative marketing or promotional efforts or banking connectivity. Any information shared will be subject to the partner’s privacy policy.
  • Potential Buyers or Successors: In the event that ENSURAM is involved in a merger, acquisition, restructuring, or sale of assets, your personal information may be transferred as part of the transaction, subject to applicable laws and regulations.
  • Consensual Sharing: With your approval, we might share de-identified, anonymized, or aggregated personal data with third parties.

We want to reassure you that we only share your information as necessary and within legal bounds to deliver our services, enhance your user experience, and ensure ENSURAM's operations. Your privacy is our priority. We have measures in place to ensure that your data is always handled securely and responsibly.

8. Understanding how we use Cookies and Automatic Data Collection Tools:

At ENSURAM, we harness various tracking technologies to improve user experience, analyze trends, manage our website, and to gather demographic information about our user base as a whole. This technology assists us in understanding your preferences and enhancing the quality of our services. Below is a comprehensive explanation of the tracking technologies we employ:

  • Cookies: Cookies are small files that get saved on your computer or device when you visit our website. These cookies store information such as your preferences and login details, which help us in personalizing your experience. There are two types: session cookies, which are deleted once you close your browser, and persistent cookies, which stay on your device until they are deleted or expire.
  • Pixels, Web Beacons, and Tags: These are tiny, invisible pieces of code or clear graphic images placed on a webpage or in an email. They are used to track user behavior and understand the effectiveness of our marketing efforts. This technology allows us to see if a user has visited a specific webpage or opened an email, enabling us to provide more relevant content and advertisements.
  • Session Replay Tools: These are analytical tools that record how users interact with our website. By capturing mouse movements, clicks, and scrolling behavior, we can gain valuable insights into how our users navigate our platform. This information is crucial in improving the functionality and usability of our website.
  • Embedded Scripts and SDKs: Software Development Kits (SDKs) and embedded scripts are used to integrate third-party functionalities into our website or app. These technologies help us create a richer and more customized user experience. They also help us integrate with third-party services, like social media platforms, payment gateways, and more.

These technologies are a vital part of how our website works and aid us in delivering a seamless and efficient service. By using our website, you agree to the use of these tracking technologies as described. For more information on managing these technologies, please refer to the 'Your Rights' section of our privacy policy.

Here at ENSURAM, we leverage these tracking technologies for several reasons:

  • To Enhance User Experience: We use cookies to remember user preferences and session details, enabling us to provide a personalized browsing experience. This includes remembering login details and providing customized content and features based on your past usage and preferences.
  • For Analytical Purposes: We use pixels, web beacons, session replay tools, and other tracking technologies to monitor user behavior on our website. This helps us understand how our users interact with our services, which in turn allows us to improve our website's functionality, design, and content. Tools like AWS QuickSight and Google Analytics, which uses cookies and tracking technologies, aid in this effort. More on Google Analytics' data practices can be found at www.google.com/policies/privacy/partners and AWS Privacy for Amazon QuickSight.
  • To Improve Performance: By understanding how our website is used, we can identify areas of improvement to enhance our website's performance, speed, and security.
  • For Advertising and Marketing: We use these technologies to show relevant advertisements on our website and third-party platforms. They allow us to measure the effectiveness of our advertising campaigns, making sure we deliver ads that are of interest to our users.
  • To Facilitate Third-party Integrations: With the help of SDKs and embedded scripts, we can seamlessly integrate third-party functionalities into our services, offering users more features and improving their experience.

The application of these technologies is integral to our commitment to providing a robust, user-centric platform that meets and exceeds our users' expectations. It is important to note that while these technologies collect data to offer a better user experience, they do so in line with the privacy measures outlined in our policy.

Data Collected:

We collect data such as IP addresses, browser types, operating system, pages viewed on our site, links clicked, and other usage information. These are collected through various tracking technologies. We also collect geolocation data to provide localized services, as well as audio, visual, or similar data if shared with us during our interactions with you.

Sharing Information:

We share your information with trusted third parties such as affiliates and subsidiaries, insurance providers and related entities, service providers, business, and professional service providers, and for legal, security, and safety purposes. We only share data necessary for the provision of our services and require all third parties to respect the security of your personal data and to treat it in accordance with the law.

Your Options:

You have options in relation to the privacy practices and communications described in this policy. These may include the ability to opt-out of receiving marketing communications from us, managing cookies, and tracking technologies, and deciding whether to receive targeted advertising.

Ensuring Data Safety:

ENSURAM is dedicated to protecting your personal data. We implement various security measures including encryption, firewalls, and secure socket layer technology to protect your data. However, no method of transmission or storage is completely secure, so we cannot guarantee absolute security.

Privacy of Minors:

Our services are intended for individuals who are 18 years of age and older. We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under the age of 18. If you become aware that a child has provided us with personal information, please contact us, and we will take steps to delete such information.

External Links:

Our services may include links to other websites or services that we do not control. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of these external sites and recommend you review their privacy policies.

Your Rights:

As a user, you have rights concerning your personal data. You have the right to request access to your data, correct inaccuracies, request the deletion of your data, or restrict the processing of your data. To exercise these rights, please contact us through the contact information provided in this policy.

Modified on: 28-October-2023